Your article needs an image relevant to its subject. If you're choosing a random photo just to get a green bullet in our SEO plugin's content analysis, then you're doing it wrong. The image should reflect the topic of the post or have illustrative purposes within the article of course. Try to place the image near the relevant text. If you have a main image or an image that you're trying to rank, try to keep that near the top of the page, if it makes sense.
There is a simple image SEO reason for all of this: an image with related text ranks better for the keyword it is optimized for. There's more about image SEO later.
Once you have found the right image – whether an illustration, chart or photo – the next step is to optimize it for use on your website. There are a number of things you need to think about:
Image SEO starts with the file name. You want Google to know what the image is about without even looking at it, so use your focus keyphrase in the image file name. It's simple: if your image shows a sunrise in Paris over Notre Dame Cathedral, the file name shouldn't be DSC4536.jpg, but notre-dame-paris-sunrise.jpg. The main keyphrase would be Notre Dame, as that is the main subject of the photo, which is why it's at the beginning of the file name.
When developing web content, it is easy to forget that people from all lifestyles visit websites every day. Creating effective web copy for those with visual impairments has been one of the greatest challenges for modern web design, though there is a solution for most of the problems.
By creating effective alternative (ALT) text for any graphics that appear on the site, it is possible to help differently abled readers fully appreciate the text and improve your site's SEO ranking.

There is a simple image SEO reason for all of this: an image with related text ranks better for the keyword it is optimized for. There's more about image SEO later.
Once you have found the right image – whether an illustration, chart or photo – the next step is to optimize it for use on your website. There are a number of things you need to think about:
Image SEO starts with the file name. You want Google to know what the image is about without even looking at it, so use your focus keyphrase in the image file name. It's simple: if your image shows a sunrise in Paris over Notre Dame Cathedral, the file name shouldn't be DSC4536.jpg, but notre-dame-paris-sunrise.jpg. The main keyphrase would be Notre Dame, as that is the main subject of the photo, which is why it's at the beginning of the file name.
When developing web content, it is easy to forget that people from all lifestyles visit websites every day. Creating effective web copy for those with visual impairments has been one of the greatest challenges for modern web design, though there is a solution for most of the problems.
By creating effective alternative (ALT) text for any graphics that appear on the site, it is possible to help differently abled readers fully appreciate the text and improve your site's SEO ranking.